Enlaces - Recursos

Enlaces a recursos de índole 'Informático' que pueden ser de utilidad!

Listas Generales

Awesome awesomeness A curated list of amazingly awesome awesomeness.
Lista de multitud de recursos de multitud de temas 'informáticos'. No los he mirado todos.

HTML / Javascript

HexDecoder HTML/Oct/Hex Decoder
This tool will attempt to revert any type of encoding (including Hex, html, Oct, etc).
Very useful for webmasters trying to identify what a specific code is doing (from WordPress themes/plugins or Joomla templates).


Java Decompiler JD (Java Decompiler) is a Decompiler for the Java programming language. JD is provided as a GUI tool as well as in the form of plug-ins for the Eclipse (JD-Eclipse) and IntelliJ IDEA (JD-IntelliJ) integrated development environments.

Licencias de Software

tl;drLegal Software Licenses in Plain English
Lookup popular software licenses summarized at-a-glance.

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